Broken Bones Fund


This is a fund created to provide emergency financial assistance to injured San Francisco messengers.


The Bones fund started with a very generous donation to aide injured messengers. Injuries that other professionals might take for granted, like broken limbs, render a messenger unable to perform his or her job. The Broken Bones fund was set up as a challenge for our community. The funds are available to those who need them; but, only if we all ensure it. Amended rules as of 14.December.2006.

  • Requestor must come to next general meeting after accident and verbally request funds, except in case of hospitalization in which requestor can come to 2nd meeting after accident. A representative may come and request for incapacitated requestor.
  • Requestor must be employed by a legitimate messenger company.
  • Requestor must be a dues paying member of the SFBMA. Dues can be paid at time of request. If unable to pay dues, fifty dollars will be deducted from granted money for a year membership. Dues money deducted will stay in the fund and not be transferred to the general account.
  • Bike messengers are only eligible to receive up to $500 one time, unless grant is paid back in full in which they will be eligible again. Allotment decided by majority vote of general assembly.
  • Requestor must receive 66% vote, in favor, from general assembly. Voting to be secret unless overturned by a majority of elected officers to be by show of hands.
  • The SFBMA and its officers shall maintain the fund in a separate account.
  • The SFBMA and its officers will hold fund raisers to replenish the fund.

Taken from