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May 262022


to register

a message regarding the RRR rere sfbma instagram
fill this out: https://form.jotform.com/220828886632062

If you are going to the Russian River Ride . plz FILL OUT THE SURVEY IN THE BIO.
please PAY fOR THE WEEKEND w/CASH, or non traceble venmo
$60 Gets you the route and the campsite. Some food will be provided but be a goddamn adult and bring up some cash for your own food. This ain’t the Salvation Army kid.
On Monday the 23rd an email will be sent out ONLY TO PEOPLE WHO HAVE FILLED OUT THE SURVEY AND PAID containing the Route and Itinerary.

Rest in Peace Mike Revis

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Feb 202022
You will be missed.

The wake for Mike Rivas will be this Saturday March 5th at Noon. The wake location is George Washington Grove in Golden Gate Park @ 25th and Lincoln in SF. 

Lars Savage

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Jan 042022

Very Sorry to also post this belated Rest in Peace wish.

The Memorial for Lars Savage, 713, will be on Friday, Feb 4th. Meet at South Park at 5, roll at 6

photo by Travis VanHalen
photo by Travis VanHalen
photo by Travis VanHalen

Rest in Peace Damon Votour

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Dec 302021

Damon’s wake will be on Friday, February 11. South Park. 5pm

Damon is/was very much loved and a great part of our community. He was an SFBMA president for one of the longest terms. When I first met him he was a young rookie. It was great to see him reach out to so many messengers as a strong and honest leader. After he no longer messenged- he became known for his wonderful bbq skills and was still in the heart of the scene. He was a strong supporter of workers’ rights and he loved all of his friends dearly.